Nominations for the position of Trustee-Secretary of the Corporation of Saint Frances Cabrini Congregation are currently being accepted. Applications must be submitted to the Parish Office by Tuesday May 25, 2021 at 12:00pm Qualifications/responsibilities of applicants for the position of Trustee-Secretary include: ·Must be a registered member of the parish and practicing Catholic ·Must be 25 years of age or older ·Must be able to serve a term of 2 years if elected ·Must be approved by the Archbishop of Milwaukee (or Administrator of the Diocese) ·Must serve as an ex-officio member of the pastoral council and participate fully in the work of the pastoral council ·Must be willing to oversee the official records, proceedings and communication of the parish ·Must serve as an ex-officio member of the Finance & Administrative Councils ·Must be nominated in writing by 10 or more members of the parish Incumbent Trustee-Secretary Mary Herdrich will be concluding her current two year term. The Pastor can nominate one candidate per trustee opening. Father Nathan Reesman has nominated Mary Herdrich, and she has agreed to serve in this position for another two year term. If you need a nomination form to circulate please stop in the parish office or email [email protected] The official election for the position of Trustee -Secretary is scheduled to take place on the weekend of June 12 & 13, 2021. For further information please contact the Parish Director of Administrative Services, Bill Neureuther at 262-338-2366 or [email protected]