Dear Friends at Saint Frances Cabrini Parish and Saint Mary’s Immaculate Conception Parish: Praised be Jesus Christ! With the coming of Fall here at our parishes, we customarily turn our thoughts in a more focused way to the long twinning partnerships that we have had over the years with our friends in other parts of the world. In the case of Saint Frances Cabrini, we have enjoyed a long relationship now with the people of Haiti, most specifically in the sectors of education and care for the disadvantaged. In the case of Saint Mary’s, it is our long partnership with the community of Taulabe, Honduras. In the coming weeks at each parish, we will hear again about each of these important partnerships and how blessed we are to be able to join with them in helping to advance the mission of the Gospel. It is true that the advent of Covid has altered the way we approach just about every facet of life these days. It is no different in the realm of missionary partnerships. Our friends abroad face Covid shutdowns and challenges like we do. Their economic well-being has been adversely impacted just as ours has here in so many ways. Each community, ours and theirs, might find themselves tempted not to financially give or be generous as we all think more carefully about what it will mean to maintain our livelihoods in uncertain times. Even the customs of in-person missionary visits by foreign travelers and the routines of assemblies, brunches, guest speakers at Masses, etc, have all been altered, making it seem like perhaps this is all a lesser priority than normal. I trust that each of our parish communities have by this point all learned how precious our missionary ties are, and that we will not be deterred by whatever obstacles Covid presents as we seek to once again be generous this year in these relationships. The whole world is in need, it is true. Yet, what ultimately gives rise to generosity is not so much an awareness of need, but rather the power of relationship, especially with those rooted in Christ. Our relationships with our mission friends remain unbroken, even if re-shaped a bit this year in their pattern of interaction. This is the ultimate point that I want all of us to remember. For all those who are still unable to make it to our weekend Masses in person to see and hear about our twinning partnerships, please be sure to visit our parish websites for our updated news and information about our friends across the world who are struggling just like we are. On the websites you will find the information about how best to keep in touch and to offer your generous support. Know again of my gratitude for all of your kindness and dedication to these important relationships.